1/7 🎲 Supposed to be my 5th time in Las Vegas 🇺🇸 but we did it virtually, a great conference and hundreds of participants 🎓🎰 from all around the world
#thePMUconference #comercialvideos #onlineconference #permanentmakeup #iMovielt #pmuartist #workandtravel #pmu #audiovisual #pmutraining #microblading #videofootage #thePMUconference2020 #videoediting #pmulasvegas #PMUconference #virtualevent
1/4 ▶️ I Remember the Future 🎬 wondering how upcoming conferences will look like after all 😷🎥 we will figure it out soon
#conference #masterclass #vbaksys #galadinner #filming #corporatevideo #travelvideos #stopmotion #businessvideo #aftermovie #workandtravel #videoshot #iMovielt #audiovisual #videofootage #filmmaking #socialmediavideos
I am visiting Lithuania 🎬 be my guest, today neighbours 🇪🇪🇵🇱🇱🇻 from next month or so 🗺 the rest of the world 🧭 YouTube search: Lithuania. Real is beautiful
#visitLithuania #realisbeatiful #filming #travelvideos #aftermovie #workandtravel #videoshot #iMovielt #audiovisual #videofootage #imvisitingLithuania #videoediting #visitVilnius #realisbeautifulLithuania
You are great! Stay home 💪 made these flyers in two languages 🇺🇸🇱🇹 stay healthy and keep rules
#sharingiscaring #stayalive #globalpandemic #flyermaking #covid19 #businessvideo #audiovisual #filming #travelvideos #workandtravel #stopmotion #videomontage #aftermovie
Will play soundtrack 👨🚀 you will sing 🎥 I’ll push record 🔴 you will act
#craftmarketing #workandtravel #youtubevideos #audiovisual #videoediting #filming #travelvideos #businessvideo #aftermovie #stopmotion #videography #filmlocation #dayattheoffice #profilephoto
Filmed it with my eyes 👁🎥 question, how to export video file now?
#stopmotion #teotihuacan #pyramidofthesun #travel #adventure #explore #workandtravel #audiovisual #filming #travelvideos #aftermovie #filmlocation #piramidedelsol
🌪 Let me know if you are looking for something 🎬🎥 more than >50TB of video content 🗺 from all around the world
#WorkandTravel #AfterMovie #VideoShot #iMovielt #AudioVisual #VideoEditing #Filming #BusinessVideo #CorporateVideo